Every disease has an inflammatory response.
Overabundance of toxins in the body lowers the body's PH therefore the kidney's and bowels cannot remove all the toxins as fast as they
build up in our bodies, then diseases begin to form.
Modern medicine stated and found me with Multiple Myeloma (bone cancer). The pain was so excruciating to the point of barely being able
to walk or to get up and down.
I have a pacemaker and defibrillator, therefore was NOT suppose to detox with the foot bath machine. However, I knew beyond doubt, I was
a dying man.
Various Churches began to pray for me and I made a personal decision that Prayer and the Foot Detox Body Cleanse was my only option.
Prayers were going up and my feet was going in a pan of water with the Naturopathy Body Cleanse.
I discussed this with the Technician who performs the Foot Bath and explained to her that my pacemaker and heart were OK and this along
with lots of Prayer was my only hope.
I used to Doctor her when I was in Practice so now was her turn and she made the decision that we would go for it even with a pacemaker.
My first detox (in early May 2014) I had relief of some of the pain. Next few detoxes, my pain was gone and I was walking much better.
I had a leison on my spine and my 2 vertabraes were crushing.
During these detoxes, I was going to an Oncologist for confirmation and had decided to let them do 2 or 3 Chemo treatments on me.
After 3 and 1/2 weeks, I went to take my first Chemo treatment and another test and to everyone's surprise, the cancer had regressed to
pre-cancerous stage. The Doctor, my daughters and I were all overwhelmed. I did not need Chemo.
I have continued my foot bath detoxes and went back to doing whatever I want to do. I feel good now.
I will forever be Thankful to God for answering many prayers and for this amazing Body Cleanse Detox Machine.
Our environment has become so toxic we, the people, are getting more and more diseases and becoming sicker and sicker.
Dr. E. Gary Hogan